Happy 5 Years!


So much has happened in 5 years!

Big achievements: 

-The FreeArm is used in 28 countries and users in all 50 states

-Billable for insurance coverage

-Supplied by DMES

-Used by hospitals

-Distributed by Medline, McKesson and Cardinal
-Research featured at ASPEN & NASPGHAN

-Patent pending

-Trademark registered

-And so much more...

I am so thankful for Freeman and for all that his journey taught me. I am honored to offer a helping hand, a free arm, to the tube feeding community that he made me a part of. Every single one of these achievements has taken a painstaking number of hours, with lots of sleepless nights, but to know that I'm working hard to get the FreeArm to families, to make their journey with tube feeding just a little bit easier is my life's work. I have met so many medically complex families over the past five years and the friendships that I have made with each of them mean the world to me.

Happy Thanksgiving Season,
