First Name
Last Name
Age of person with a feeding tube or infusion port
<1 year
1-5 years
6-10 years
11-18 years
19-35 years
36-65 years
>65 years
How long have you or your loved one, had a feeding tube or port?
<1 year
1-5 years
6-10 years
>10 years
Check all that you currently use
G-tube, J-tube, GJ-tube
NG-tube or NJ-tube
Infusion port
Other (please explain)
If you selected "other":
Check all that you currently use
Pump feeds
Gravity syringe feeds
Push syringe feeds
Gravity bag feeds
Other (please explain)
If you selected "other":
1. When I (or my loved one), first received a feeding tube or port, I was confident in feeding or administering an infusion outside of the hospital or doctor’s office.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
2. Since having my feeding tube or port or caring for my loved one with a feeding tube or port, I am confident in leaving home for a fun overnight or weeklong stay? (Example: vacation, overnight trip to visit family and friends, etc.)
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
3. If pump feeding or administering infusions, what do you do currently when you need to leave the house for a doctor appointment or other activity?
Use a backpack
Take an IV pole
Skip feeding
Leave the house during non-feed or non-infusion times
Other (please explain)
If you selected "other":
4. If pump feeding or administering infusions, where do you feed/infuse inside your home?
Move IV pole around the house to pump feed or administer infusions in different rooms.
Pump feed or administer infusions in the same room every day using an IV pole.
Use a backpack.
Other (please explain)
If you selected "other":
5. How often do you need to tube feed or administer an infusion while away from home?
Somewhat often
Somewhat never
6. When holding a syringe for feeding, how often does vomiting or spitting up occur?
Somewhat often
Somewhat never
7. If syringe feeding, what do you do when you need to leave the house for a doctor appointment or other activity?
Hold syringe in my hand
Skip feeding
Leave the house during non-feed times
Other (please explain)
If you selected "other":
8. If syringe feeding, how often are you able to perform therapies while holding the syringe? (For example: working on stretches or exercises, holding a pacifier in for a child with a feeding tube)
Somewhat often
Somewhat never
9. If syringe feeding, how often are you able to do other activities while holding the syringe? (For example: read or look at your phone for adults or read to your child with a feeding tube)
Somewhat often
Somewhat never
10. If syringe feeding, how often do you spill a feed or medicine bolus?
Somewhat often
Somewhat never
11. Since having a feeding tube or port, how often have you been readmitted to the hospital for feeding or infusion issues?
1-3 times per month
4-7 times per month
8-10 times per month
>10 times per month
12. What are your feelings about having a feeding tube or port?
13. If gravity syringe feeding, how were you instructed? Check all that apply.
Hang syringe with string over bed
Hold syringe in hand
Tape or rubber band syringe to another object (IV pole, bed, wall, shirt, etc)
Other (please explain)
If you selected "other"
14. If gravity syringe feeding, how do you currently administer feeds while inside your home? Check all that apply.
Hang syringe with string over bed
Hold syringe in hand
Tape or rubber band syringe to another object (IV pole, bed, wall, shirt, etc)
Other (please explain)
If you selected "other":
15. What hospital placed your feeding tube or port? If different, what hospital or clinic do you go to for follow up feeding appointments?
16. What company (DME) supplies your at-home tube feeding and infusion supplies?
17. What is the insurance company/plan of the person with the feeding tube or port?
18. What is your state of residence?
19. Is there anything else that you would like to tell us?